The Plans of Trees (The Bad Batch S2 1-6)

Zeffooorget about it! Return of the Pod is back to get at the first six episodes of Season 2 of Star Wars: The Bad Batch. Join Caitlin, Matt, and Brian as they talk Riot Racing, tomb raiding, tree communion, Rampart, and more. All of that plus Captain’s Corner, and The Legend of the Mando With The Orange Helmet!Support the showFollow us at Return of the Pod!

Om Podcasten

There is another! JABBA THE POD is dead… but RETURN OF THE POD has just begun. Join our Starbinger heroes (Brian Silliman, Caitlin Busch, and Matt Romano) for a celebratory visit to the world of Star Wars each and every week, where they’ll continue to cover everything going on in the galaxy far, far away. Our midi-chlorian counts are still unmatched! If you’re looking for the positive twin suns of the Star Wars fandom, then the force is with you. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @ReturnOfThePod for more!