S3E12: David Phillips: “It has become a monster” [Heads talking about Ofsted #2]
Rethinking Education - A podcast by Dr James Mannion
This is the second in a series of episodes featuring headteachers and former heads talking about Ofsted. David Phillips is the headteacher of Chilwell school in Nottingham. He has been in senior leadership for over twenty years and a headteacher in both the academies and maintained sectors. He is one of the East Midlands representatives for his professional association and has a particular focus on leadership and governance. He has worked in schools throughout the East Midlands with projects in age range change, school partnership development and quality assurance. David has worked in schools since before the inception of OFSTED and has experienced the week long visits, the short novel reports, the progress in a lesson visits, the data focussed judgements and has experienced virtually the full range of OFSTED judgements. In short: David has a long and distinguished career, and has a richly informed perspective on the current debate about Ofsted, a controversy that is showing no signs of going away anytime soon. LINKS: Rethinking Ed Mighty Network: https://rethinking-education.mn.co THE RETHINKING ED CONFERENCE 2023 Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-rethinking-education-conference-2023-tickets-602718887417 Apply to speak: https://www.rethinking-ed.org/rethinked23 The Rethinking Education podcast is hosted and produced by Dr James Mannion. You can contact him at www.rethinking-ed.org/contact, or via a social platform of your choosing: Twitter: https://twitter.com/RethinkingJames Insta: https://www.instagram.com/drjamesmannion LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-mannion/ SUPPORT THE RETHINKING ED PODCAST: Become a patron: https://www.patreon.com/repod Buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/repod