We're All Tired, Interns: We Love You, Your Drug-Themed Names For Pets

This crazy, insane season that we're in would be a WHOLE heck of a lot harder to get through without YOU and your stories. I mean, I don't even know if I'd still be working (early retirement, anyone?) But  you're out there, doing your part to help keep your patients safe and it's so incredible. While doing this, we often come across an interesting topic idea or funny patient/dr interaction. If... excuse me... WHEN this happens, let me know about it through Facebook and Twitter. After all, we all need to know we're not alone. Thank you all for your support!  -M Check out our weekly sponsor to learn about keeping your diabetic patients safer and even get a free sample! 

Om Podcasten

Each episode, we dive into all things frustrating, weird, confusing, and even great about the odd world of retail pharmacy. For those dishing out drugs to the general public and wondering "What Am I Doing Here?", it's time you know... you're not alone.