The Dark Force at Your Heels Ruining Your Life

Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ In this video, we're deep diving into self-sabotage. This is the dark force at your heels pulling you down and ruining all your progress. And unless you understand how it works it will continue doing so. Self-sabotage is a hidden enemy that you can't see, but it's always there sabotaging your efforts to improve your life. In this video, I'm going to teach you about shadow work and how to use it to defeat self-sabotage. With shadow work, you can learn to recognize and deal with the negative self-talk that sabotages your efforts to improve your life. After watching this video, you'll be equipped to start healing your self-sabotage. Refusing to settle, Clark

Om Podcasten

Welcome to the Clark Kegley Self-Improvement Podcast! If you're looking to take your personal growth to the next level, you've come to the right place. Our show is all about identity shifting - transforming yourself into the 2.0 version of you. From mindset shifts to actionable steps, you'll discover the tools you need to overcome limiting beliefs, build confidence, and achieve your goals. Whether you're struggling with self-doubt, seeking greater fulfillment, or simply looking to make positive changes in your life, this podcast has something for you. So join us as we explore the power of identity shifting and unlocking your full potential. The 2.0 version of you is waiting.