The Pink Cloud - Recovered 1392

To skip the intro, tap 3:25   The "pink cloud" phenomenon in recovery, characterized by feelings of euphoria and heightened optimism, can be both a blessing and a potential hazard. During this phase, individuals often feel an overwhelming sense of relief and happiness, believing that they have conquered their addiction once and for all. While this positive outlook can be motivating, it can also create unrealistic expectations about the recovery process. This overconfidence might lead individuals to underestimate the challenges ahead and neglect essential recovery activities such as attending meetings, engaging with a sponsor, or continuing with their daily self-care routines. When the initial euphoria fades, they may find themselves unprepared for the inevitable emotional and psychological struggles, increasing the risk of relapse. Tonight, we talk about The Pink Cloud. This week,  Ginger, Becky, Kim, Amanda, Shelly, Jim, Schez, Vicki, Rebekah, Bryan, Dana, Tonja, Jean, Joel, Martin They made their Sustaining Partner Donations. For more information, tap   This episode is sponsored by  Gretchen, Kurt, Gigi, Chris They used the donation button found on our website at Episode Sponsor   Visit our website

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This is the podcast where we use the 12 step program of recovery to solve the alcoholic addiction problem. This is the podcast where life is seen through a 12 step recovery lens. This is a podcast about men and women who have recovered from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body. We have discovered a solution, we have a way out. We have leaned how to live sober and happy. Join us on this journey called life.