Ep. 83 - RISE - Why We’re Chronically Infertile (& my own fertility journey)

Fertility is a topic I’ve been wanting to speak about for a while.    I’m hugely passionate about getting to the bottom of health concerns and finding the missing pieces. I believe every health challenge has a cause, whether that be physical, emotional or spiritual - perhaps sometimes a culmination of all 3.   In this episode I talk you through my own turbulent fertility journey, before going into the nitty gritty behind why such a staggering amount of us are struggling with fertility in the modern world, the truth about why it’s happening, and what we can do - and need to do - in order to change it, not just for ourselves individually, but for the human race.   It’s deep, it’s intense, it hits on some hard truths, but it’s hugely expensive.   In the episode I mentioned a couple of articles I’ve written: 8 Tips to Holistically Aid Your Fertility Treatment When the Detox Button is Switched Off (our genes are not our destiny) MTHFR - The Gene Mutation that Could be Harming Your Unborn Baby   ***   This season of Reconditioned is kindly sponsored by Block Blue Light UK, the UK’s leading company for anti-blue light products, to fix sleep issues, eliminate eye strain and improve health. Use code LAUREN10 for a 10% discount on all products including light bulbs and glasses.   For more info on my coaching services, academy and events, visit www.laurenvakninecoaching.com where you can also register for my newsletter to receive my free 7-Step Guide to Complete Wellbeing.   Take my What's Your Coping Style quiz to find out your coping style and how to manage better https://lauren-vaknine-coaching.involve.me/coping   If you enjoyed this episode, please consider sharing it with friends, and please also make sure to subscribe / follow and review! It really helps us to reach more people. If you’d like to connect with me, get in touch on Instagram. You can also see me over on my YouTube channel where all these podcasts are posted.  

Om Podcasten

Reconditioned was created by host Lauren Vaknine, as a hub for all things wellness and self-development, not just a niche collection of topics within that, so that people can integrate the healing of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of self, which, as Lauren found in her own journey, really is the only way to achieve complete, whole-person healing. After being diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis aged 2, Lauren was wheelchair-bound by 18. After more than a decade immersed in intensive self-study, learning everything there was to learn about the human body and mind, Lauren finally reconditioned herself back to wellness and is now a fully able-bodied business woman, leading holistic life coach, speaker, writer, podcast host and mum of 2, with a passion for helping others achieve the same levels of transformation in their own lives. Tune into Reconditioned to find what you’re seeking in community, support, and answers to all your burning wellbeing questions, from which type of magnesium you need to how to manage an energetic death, healing trauma, conscious parenting, inner child healing, spirituality and beyond! You can join in the conversation & community here https://www.facebook.com/groups/reconditionyourlife