Episode 2644 CWSA 10/30/24

Real Coffee with Scott Adams - A podcast by Scott Adams

Find my Dilbert 2025 Calendar at: https://dilbert.com/ God's Debris: The Complete Works, Amazon https://tinyurl.com/GodsDebrisCompleteWorks Find my "extra" content on Locals: https://ScottAdams.Locals.com Content: Politics, Green Energy Subsidies, Election Integrity Claims, NYT Media Matters YouTube Ploy, Female Abortion Voters, Male Survival Voters, AIPAC-Sponsored Congress Trips, President Biden Garbage Trump Supporters, IRS Whistleblowers, Off-Book 2016 Honeypot Spies, Michael Shellenberger, 2016 Disinformation Campaigns, Victoria Nuland, Elon Musk, Strava App Fitness Tracking, Post-Election Expectations, Peaceful Transfer of Power, Scott Adams ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you would like to enjoy this same content plus bonus content from Scott Adams, including micro-lessons on lots of useful topics to build your talent stack, please see scottadams.locals.com for full access to that secret treasure.

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