RAPID TAPPING® with Poppy Delbridge - A podcast by Poppy Delbridge


This episode is one of our first real-life examples of how this work can benefit you, so you can be inspired and connect to possibility by hearing firsthand effects from real members of our community. This episode is about Clare. Clare experienced severe panic attacks following a collapse and used Rapid Tapping to change her life direction. Clare discovered Poppy through an Instagram live with Fearne Cotton. She explains how Poppy’s deep tap was the turning point in her healing. ‘It gave me back ME.’What to expect in this episode:After her collapse, Clare’s anxiety began to rule her life. She struggled to go out in public and put on a mask.Missing out on family life and feeling like she had completely lost herself, Clare decided to stop therapy and seek alternative methods, such as Tapping.Clare describes her pivotal deep tap as ‘magic’. Twenty minutes after the tap and to her son’s surprise, Clare faced her biggest fears without feeling the heat of her panic attacks.Clare reflects on what her life may be like without discovering Poppy’s tapping sessions, sparking some emotional feelings between the two.The empowering feeling of shifting energy and taking responsibility for changing our own lives through Rapid Tapping.Clare’s journey to recovery came with unexpected triggers which she tackled through Tapping.The understanding Clare has gained regarding how her brain works and the control over her emotions that has come with Tapping.Clare is now enrolled on Pivot Into Power and is excited to continue her Tapping success story with an awesome community.In Clare's words.. 'Possibility is out there!'Manifesting Kit Available here!https://www.rapidtapping.com/product-page/house-of-possibility-manifesting-kitJoin the mailing list:https://houseofpossibility.com/Where to find Poppy:Rapid Tapping: https://www.rapidtapping.com/House of Possibility: https://houseofpossibility.com/Poppy Delbridge: https://www.poppydelbridge.com/Socials:Rapid Tapping: https://www.instagram.com/rapidtapping/House of Possibility: https://www.instagram.com/houseofpossibility/Poppy Delbridge: https://www.instagram.com/poppydelbridge/Fearne Cotton - Happy Place:https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/happy-place/id1353058891 Poppy Delbridge 11.11's on Rapid Tapping InstagramJoin Poppy every Monday at 11.11 am for your weekly dose of tapping:https://www.instagram.com/rapidtapping/channel/