Season 1 Episode 2: The First Thing We Need To Do Is...
Radiation World - A podcast by Saster&Saster Productions
Piper and Yolo set off across the Wild while back at the bunker President Tank hatches a scheme. Cast: Dylan Norman - Captain Thompson Fernando Gonzales - President Tank Isaac Christie - Yolo Melissa Chambers - Thumbelina and Hammersmith Quinn Scicluna - The Birdman Stephen Zamora - Barnaby Zoey Reese - Piper Production: Hari Rai Khalsa - Writer Sahib Simran Khalsa - Sound Design and Engineering Sound effects by: Sahib Simran Khalsa, with additional sound effects from the following users at avakas, carroll27, cell31-sound-productions, coral-island-studios, freqman, ighuaran, jagadamba, jamesrodavidson, jmggs-hotmail-com, mussashimits, orginaljun, pawsound, rainkiljoy, redbulldog98, redder01, robinhood76, roosenstruik, ruonvniekerk, sampson021, soundcollectah, thatjeffcarter, timbahrij, zigzag20705, and the Miner's Brass Orchestra