Suzanne Heywood

At 7 years old, Suzanne moved onto a seventy-foot yacht with her parents. It was a turbulent childhood with deadly waves, fifty thousand miles of ocean, and endless cups of tea! Homeschooled her whole life, Suzanne escaped the boat after ten years and worked her way to Oxford University. And then there was the time the government tried to frame her late husband! Essential listening filled with hardship, perseverance, and a very difficult woman...

Om Podcasten

Well-behaved women rarely make history – as someone once said – difficult women do. In this new LBC new podcast, Rachel Johnson's Difficult Women, Rachel will be talking to women who had to be a pain in the backside to get where they are today. Women who take the word difficult as a compliment not an insult. And women who had to fight, resist, insist, or otherwise be badly behaved in order to get things done. Listen and subscribe on Global Player, or wherever you get your podcasts. Follow Rachel on Twitter: @RachelSJohnson