Football Icons: Lily Parr’s Legacy

We kick off the pod with an episode inspired by the statue of Lily Parr, England’s first female football star. Lily’s groundbreaking career began in 1919, but her impact on the game is still felt over one hundred years later. We find out what it means to be a football legend today, and the importance of role models and representation for women and non-binary players and fans. Guests Holly Grimes Moyo Abiona Vox pops recorded at: The National Football Museum and Academy Stadium. Special thanks to all the fans and players who kindly shared their stories with us. SFX Credits SFX used is licensed under a Creative Commons 3 license from and - full list and links here:

Om Podcasten

This is Quite Unsuitable For Females, a podcast series where we reveal the secrets, tackle the stereotypes and bust the myths about women in football. Community producers Rosy, Meg, Uma and Debs delve into the National Football Museum's archive to bring women's football off the bench and onto the pitch.