To create freely and from the heart - look inward

Listen in to hear Margaret reflect upon her inspiring day which began with a chat with Claire Walsh for next week's upcoming podcast, moved on to a photography teaching session with the delightful Keela and culminated in some evening beach down time and swim. Chatting about what she learned from both experiences, Margaret gives an insight into her life, health and battles. An incredible free spirit, Claire explained that to create freely, you must create for yourself alone. Powerful, authentic and emotional images will follow. Hear about 11 year old Keela's wonderful, child-like freedom whilst creating her photography.  Her liberating 'just try it and see' attitude' is amazing! A truly lovely afternoon in nature and swimming.Sign up to the next Creative Light Festival here: Sign up to my newsletter to hear first about new retreats: Follow me on Instagram: Join my online Creative Haven community :

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Creative soundscapes brings you inspiration, human struggles and thoughts around creativity and well being. Exploring different ways that photographers, creatives, and thought leaders work and live. Going one step deeper into the lives of creative people and tackling the things that challenge us all in our pursuit of a creative life.