The No Asshole Rule by Robert I. Sutton | Summary | Free Audiobook

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Building a Civilized Workplace and Surviving One that Isn’t

How do you react when you meet a mean-spirited person? If you’re anything like author Robert Sutton, you probably think: “Wow, what an asshole!” Maybe you call them something else, like bullies, creeps, jerks, tyrants, or egomaniacs. But overall, asshole seems to best capture the fear and loathing you have for these nasty people. Unfortunately, most of us have to deal with assholes in the workplace, and Sutton aims to show how destructive these people are to their colleagues and organizations. You’ll learn how to keep these types of jerks out of the workplace as well as how to handle the ones you are stuck with. As you read, you’ll learn the total cost of assholes in business, why emotionally distancing yourself is key, and how sometimes being an asshole can be effective.


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