Summary of Dogfight by Fred Vogelstein | Free Audiobook
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Learn what happened when Apple and Google butted heads. We know Apple and Google as the titans of today’s technology industry. We might even assume that they get along-- and indeed they used to. But power is a strong motivator that can divide even the friendliest of partnerships and that’s exactly what happened in the case of Apple and Google. Dogfight (2013) follows the gripping saga of the power struggle that ensued when the world’s biggest tech giants fought for control of the market. Do you want more free audiobook summaries like this? Download our app for free at and get access to hundreds of free book and audiobook summaries. DISCLAIMER: This book summary is meant as a preview and not a replacement for the original book. If you like this summary please consider purchasing the original book to get the full experience as the original author intended to. If you are the original author of any book on QuickRead and would like us to remove it, please contact us at [email protected]