Episode 3: Bisexual Representation
Queer Geek Cast - A podcast by Queer Geek Cast
Summary: In this week’s episode I chat with Emma, the co-founder of Genre TV For All (http://genretvforall.com/), about bisexual characters in media. Specifically we look at canon relationships in genre TV, potential relationships in films, and fan and creator interaction. Relevant Links: Roundtable: Trans Representation in ‘Sense 8’ (http://thegeekiary.com/roundtable-trans-representation-in-sense-8/25373) #GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend Asks for More Representation (http://thegeekiary.com/givecaptainamericaaboyfriend-asks-representation/34413) Lucasfilm Head Confirms Finn and Poe Romance? (http://thegeekiary.com/lucasfilm-stormpilot-finn-poe-romance-star-wars/43096)