Episode 119. Grow Your Pet Business and Create Client Accountability

Jodi is a dog trainer who wants to expand her dog training business. She is having a hard time having her clients follow through on the homework she gives them. Like a lot of business owners, Jodi is an idea generator and a visionary! These are great qualities to have as a business owner, but for her ideas to come to fruition they also need to be implemented! In this coaching session you’ll hear how Jodi, like her clients, also needs methods to help her stay accountable so she can accomplish the many business and personal life tasks on her to do list. Even if you’re not a dog trainer but rather a pet sitter, dog walker, dog daycare owner or pet groomer or some other business owner, when you listen to this coaching session, you’re likely to gain a lot of ideas (and strategies for how to accomplish those ideas). We cover a lot of ground in a short amount of time so slip on your headphones or ear buds and step into my coaching office to be a fly on the wall in this session. Visit the show notes page: www.ProsperousPetBusiness.com/podcast119 Find out more about the monthly live webinars and workshops for pet business owners. www.sixfigurepetbusinessacademy.com/webinars-for-pet-business-success Find out more about the 2023 Goal Setting Workshop and 30-Day Pet Business Challenge. sixfigurepetbusinessacademy.com/webinars-for-pet-business-success Information about the webinar recording mentioned in this episode, the Facebook Marketing Webinar. sixfigurepetbusinessacademy.com/facebook_marketing_for_pet_business_owners Schedule a private pet business coaching session with Kristin Morrison. sixfigurepetbusinessacademy.com/coaching-pet-business-owners Click to apply to be coached by Kristin on the Prosperous Pet Business podcast. sixfigurepetbusinessacademy.com/pet-business-podcast-coaching Schedule an in-person VIP Pet Business Coaching Day in Hawaii or California. sixfigurepetbusinessacademy.com/vip-coaching-day-with-kristin-morrison Connect with Kristin Morrison on Instagram. instagram.com/petbizcoach Copyright © Prosperous Pet Business and Kristin Morrison www.ProsperousPetBusiness.com

Om Podcasten

The Prosperous Pet Business Podcast is your complete resource for learning, growing and running your pet sitting, dog training, pet grooming, dog walking and doggy day care company. Through the podcast, Kristin Morrison will help you better understand what it takes to grow and sustain a successful pet business (and create a great life too). The Prosperous Pet Business podcast offers a holistic approach to business including working with the mind, body, spirit and the pet business. We have found that when we focus on the whole life (and not just the business life) it makes succeeding in business much easier and leads to a more satisfying life. You can learn more about this podcast, coaching, webinars and our annual pet business conference at www.ProsperousPetBusiness.com, www.SixFigurePetBusinessAcademy.com or www.SixFigurePetSittingAcademy.com