Frank McCaughey | Uncompromising Non-Duality

Dancing Paradox - A podcast by Alex Hickman

Frank is uncompromising in the communication about 'this'. The conversation flowed naturally as we covered a number of topics. His humour is great too.   From his website:- These words are not talking about anything other than the immediate inexplicable phenomenon of this very happening which is called reading this. “This”. There is nothing to say that will capture this pulsating happening. Words if taken to be real are objectified and so then the suddenness of whatever is, is apparently missed in the seeking to understand and know "this". Wonderfully that is also "this" unknowable happening. Anything said here describes the unfolding of that and seeks to illuminate the mirage of any personal doing in "this". There is what appears to be happening. Not you and. Just what is. The unfolding. The sourceless outpouring that cannot be known. Naked, empty & full with the words naked & empty. This. There is nothing once removed from the writing of these words and the very fullness of reading them. Just writing and reading. However for most, life can appear knowable. And somehow the inexplicableness is lost to the hypnotic dream of ideas and concepts about this, how "this" could be, or has been. Should, could, would. The newness is lost in the knowability and "what is" may appear predictable and stale. Nothing seems to fill the gap or yearning. What is being suggested here is that there is no you in there that can be completed. No you to feel whole. No you to hold or acquire anything. What really is being shared here is so horribly/wonderfully ordinary and simple that any word is too far. Simply this. Inexplicable ungraspable aliveness. However that is. Life without you. Or just what is.   FRANK'S LINKS ➣ ➣   WEBSITE ➣  

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