How To Be A Great Remote Product Manager with Alex Mitchell - Chief Product Officer at ICX Media

Lessons In Product Management - A podcast by Path2Product


On today's episode, I sit down with Alex Mitchell, Chief Product Officer at ICX Media

Alex is an avid blogger on Medium and over the last year, Alex's posts have gotten over

one million views. 

Before COVID-19, Alex had worked in several companies that had a heavy remote component, but

this is the first time Alex would be working from home full-time. 

To help others who might be going through the unknowns of working from home for the first 

time, Alex wrote a great Medium article on how to be a great remote product manager:

Here's what we discussed on this episode:

  • Alex shares how communication needs to be taken to a whole new level when working remote. You lose a lot of the "watercooler" talk you get in the office, so you'll need to increase the number of meetings you have. 
  • You can lose touch with your manager or your direct reports, so your need for more frequent one-on-one's becomes more critical
  • Alex shared a remote work hack, that he didn't share in the article, to help keep culture alive. You should steal it! I will. 
  • All the extra meetings could be frustrating, so Alex shares how to optimize the work from home meeting experience. 
  • Even without the quarantine, for full-time remote product managers, it's still critical to get face-to-face with your team to build a more human bond. 
  • Alex shared great advice of how to optimize that face-to-face meet-up when you are a full-time remote product manager, and it might not be what you expected. 
  • We even talked about how working remote, even if it's temporary, is a great opportunity to build your remote network. 
  • Lastly, Alex shares how he published the second edition of "Building Digital Products" aproduct management handbook for professionals looking to get into Product or PMs looking to level up. 

Here's the link to the book:


The second book Alex recently published is "Disrupting Yourself" which is all about how to 

not just survive but to thrive in the new economy. 

Here's the link to the book:


Here's how to follow Alex on Medium:

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