PROCESSING THE PROCESS - Auditioning for College Musical Theatre Programs, A Parent’s Perspective - A podcast by Lisa Thams

Has your student been seen by a Laryngologist - an Ear, Nose & Throat doctor, specializing in Vocal Health, specifically, vocal fold nodules and cysts, laryngeal cancer, spasmodic dysphonia, laryngopharyngeal reflux, papillomas, and voice misuse/abuse/overuse syndromes? This is your reminder to have this done ASAP!!!! Seriously, schedule that NOW. Best case scenario is that your child is seen while in optimal vocal health to get a baseline and then checked annually or sooner, as needed for any issues that may arise. Singing through illness and/or over straining vocally can result in vocal cord damage. Untreated, the injury can worsen and can become a path changing obstacle. In this episode I am sharing experiences and thoughts. For more medical perspective go back and listen to Episode 4, where Dr. Rubin, our ENT and author of The Vocal Pitstop: Keeping Your Voice on Track, available on Amazon, chats with me about all thing vocal fitness. Go and get his book. It’s an excellent resource.