Caesarean Section Awareness Month: Solo cast episode with Pregnancy Without Fear host, Delia Muhammad
Pregnancy without Fear - A podcast by Delia Muhammad

April was Caesarean Section Awareness Month and in this special solo-cast episode we have given a special focus to caesarean sections particularly its lasting effect when women do not fully understand the implications of giving birth in this way. We also wanted to personally close off the month sharing with you some of what we did to observe this special month. We made the decision that we were going to join the rest of the world to actively observe Caesarean Section Awareness Month and host real discussions on c-sections. The importance of real discussions around the topic of c-sections cannot be over-emphasised. Therefore every Thursday throughout April on our Instagram IGTV channel we invited and spoke with birth professionals on Caesarean sections. These sessions were extremely well received providing a live forum where we fielded questions from women throughout the world and created new relationships and friends. Make sure to check out our website for show notes and links to these IGTV sessions they are packed with really good information.