249: How to Excel at Product-Led Growth

Joel Smith and Vanessa Roberts Product join Sarah Hicks on this episode of the Predictable Revenue podcast to discuss how to excel at product-led growth. Joel and Vanessa are both strategic coaches at Dan Martell’s SaaS Academy, a B2B SaaS coaching program and community. Highlights include: the definition of product-led growth and common misconceptions (3:18), what most companies get wrong with product-led growth (4:21), why choose a product-led sales approach (9:20), how to build a product-led growth strategy from scratch (12:26), how to build a product for viral growth (15:35), understanding how choice economics fuel customer decision-making (18:49), how Pirate Metrics factor into the product-led strategy (21:58), leveraging customer success for product-led growth (38:55), what companies are doing product-led sales right and what we can learn from them (40:57).  Are you looking to create repeatable, scalable, and predictable revenue? We can help! ► https://bit.ly/predictablerevenuecoaching

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We interview outbound sales leaders so that you can learn directly from the people on the front lines. Our goal is to help our audience learn sales development, coaching, and prospecting best practices from people that are currently building or have built SDR teams.