Portugal Campeão (Part 2)

In this second half of “Portugal Campeão“, we continue to celebrate Portugal’s futebol victory! Just like the last few episodes, we discuss vocabulary and grammar useful in every day life, even if (like us) you don’t follow sports! Make sure to listen until the end where Rui gets a little bit hyper… and musical! (Too much galão, perhaps?) (00:55 Slow reading, 07:31 Discussion, 26:38 Fast reading, 31:02 Outro)

Om Podcasten

Practice Portuguese is for the European Portuguese learner who wants to take the next step towards improving their listening and speaking skills. Don't worry if you can't understand everything at first. Just keep listening and your comprehension will improve with each episode. ~ A melhor forma de aprender uma língua é ser exposto a diálogos da vida real com pessoas nativas dessa língua. Practice Portuguese é para estudantes de português europeu que procuram dar o próximo passo em conversação e compreensão oral.