EP170 - Google Announcement, End of ETAs

#PPCChat Roundup - Behind the Scenes of Paid Search - A podcast by TheMarketingAnu - Thursdays


#ppcchat Twitter discussion that runs on Tuesdays at 5pm GMT - Led by Julie F Bacchini (@NeptuneMoon) Q1 With Google Ads announcing that expanded text ads (ETAs) will no longer be able to be created as of June 2022 - what are your thoughts/feelings? Q2 Is there anything you’re doing or planning to do to prepare for this change? (It is nice that we have a long horizon to prepare for this at least). Q3 What is your best piece of advice regarding responsive search ads (RSAs) since they will be the only option in less than a year? Q4 It was shared that your RSA “ad strength” rating does not impact quality score, but does it impact performance in your experience? Q5 Have you seen any improvement in the search query data available within Google Ads? Q6 Anything else on your mind regarding Google Ads this week?