EP163 - PPC Account Structures

#PPCChat Roundup - Behind the Scenes of Paid Search - A podcast by TheMarketingAnu - Thursdays


#ppcchat Twitter discussion that runs on Tuesdays at 5pm GMT - Led by Julie F Bacchini (@NeptuneMoon) Q1 Has your philosophy about account structure changed in the past year? If so, what was the main driver of the change in thinking? Does it differ by platform? Q2 Have you changed anything about the way you structure your Google Ads accounts and campaigns in the past 6 months? If so, why? If not, why not? Q3 Are there specific changes that Google Ads made that impacted the way you structure accounts and campaigns? What was the specific impact(s)? Q4 What is something that you always do now that perhaps you did not do previously and vice versa (something you used to do a lot but now never or rarely do)? Why the change? Q5 If you are also running ads on @MSFTAdvertising (Microsoft Advertising), have you changed the way you structure accounts or campaigns there? If so, why? Q6 Are there any things that you’re “keeping an eye on” that you think could impact your thoughts on account and/or campaign structure? Does it vary by platform?