EP161 - Filtering Bad Clients

#PPCChat Roundup - Behind the Scenes of Paid Search - A podcast by TheMarketingAnu - Thursdays


#ppcchat Twitter discussion that runs on Tuesdays at 5pm GMT - Led by Julie F Bacchini (@NeptuneMoon) Q1  What things do you consider to be “red flags” as you are going through your sales or prospecting processes? Q2 Do you have any questions or processes that you use specifically to try to root out potentially problematic clients? Q3 What could happen during the sales process that would make you walk away from a potential client? Q4 Has an experience with a nightmare client changed the way you do business in any way? If so, how? (We will be sharing stories in a subsequent question)... Q5 Do you have a standard way of backing out if a prospective client reveals themselves to be the type you do not want to work with? How do you handle this - email, call, etc.? Q6 Let’s spill some tea…Tell us about a nightmare, difficult or poor fitting client you once worked with and how you handled that situation. You, of course, need not name any actual names! Q7 What is something that you know now, that you wished you knew then when it comes to spotting potentially awful clients?