EP107- Targeting is getting harder (Keywords&Audiences)

#PPCChat Roundup - Behind the Scenes of Paid Search - A podcast by TheMarketingAnu - Thursdays


#ppcchat Twitter discussion that runs on Tuesdays at 5pm GMT - Led by Julie F Bacchini (@NeptuneMoon) Q1 Have you noticed that keyword matching has gotten worse (matching to more irrelevant or questionable things) in Google Ads lately? If so, what are you seeing? Q2 Does match type seem to have any bearing on how queries are being matched on Google Ads? Q3 What are you doing to try to mitigate the impact of the looser matching that seems to be happening in Google Ads? Q4  Is the continued fuzzying up of keyword matching in search changing your strategies for search? If so, in what ways? If not, why not? Q5 What kinds of audiences are you using currently in Facebook – broad, interest, lookalike, all of the above?  Q6 Have you found that Facebook is “picking winners” more lately when it comes to the demographics it is serving ads to? Is it showing a lot more to women, for example, or a certain age group despite your targeting?