Beyond Carbon Neutrality: Austin Whitman and Isabella Todaro, Climate Neutral

In this conversation, Austin Whitman, CEO of Climate Neutral, and Isabella Todaro, Certification Manager, discuss the importance of partnership and collaboration for sustainability and the hope spots they're seeing in the Climate Neutral network.  Austin Whitman has worked in technology, climate and clean energy for two decades and is the CEO of Climate Neutral, a non-profit that is advocating for and enabling a net zero future. Climate Neutral is a community of certified brands that believe all companies should remove and reduce all of their carbon emissions immediately. Isabella Todaro is a Certification Manager at Climate Neutral, and was previously a Corporate Development Associate at Pawame.

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Welcome to the Positive Impact Podcast, where we discuss topics at the intersection of business, sustainability and social justice. With so many negative things out there in the world today, politically and with a pandemic, this podcast explores how we can break barriers and create positive impactful change with industry leaders and pioneers. I’m Kevin Wilhelm, CEO of Sustainable Business Consulting, a firm that works with organizations to have a positive impact on the planet and social justice through the lens of business.