"What Am I Willing to Offer" - Mike Ashcraft | Available, Week 1

Our impact is most profoundly felt in the everyday, ordinary moments. We don't have to wait for grand gestures or dramatic events to make a difference. Instead, we have the privilege of offering God our actual, lived lives -- our mundane routines, small acts of kindness, and ordinary conversations. Our identity in Christ is the starting point for us to recognize our potential. It's not about striving to be someone we're not, but rather, it's about embracing who we are in Him. It's about understanding that we can reflect His love and grace to the world around us in our unique, imperfect selves. Deep within us, there's a God-given desire to create, to find meaning and purpose in our lives, and to make a difference in the world around us. This isn't a selfish pursuit; it's a reflection of God within us. When we tap into his desire and align it with His purposes, we discover a sense of fulfillment and joy that transcends the ordinary. Sacrifice isn't what we give up but what we make available.

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Port City Community Church's mission is to Reach People and Help Them Walk With God. This podcast includes audio messages from Senior Pastor Mike Ashcraft and others. You can visit Port City online at www.portcity.church for additional content.