007 - Orchestrating the Future

Point of Convergence - A podcast by ExoAcademian


Dr. Jacques Vallee is often considered ufology’s gold standard. By bringing the entire scope of human history to bear, he’s taken the discussion of the UFO Phenomenon to another level. While Vallee began his career as a UFO researcher championing the idea that these aerial vehicles were spacecraft being piloted either by beings from another non-human civilization, or via their representative artificial intelligence, he eventually grew to reconsider and doubt that hypothesis. Today, while he doesn’t exclude the idea that, at least some of these UAPs represent space traveling civilizations who originate from some far-flung star system within our own physical universe, he’s come to believe — based on the mountains of data available, much of which he’s personally compiled and combed — that a much more complex and, in his words, “interesting” explanation is likely. This more interesting explanation involves interdimensional entities, and intelligences that may have been “here” all along, popping in and out of our own dimension and/or perception, and perhaps shaping human history along the way. How does this non-human intelligence do this? How does it effectively manage human evolution? They do it via what Jacques refers to as a “control system”. Vallee’s control system hypothesis is the topic of this, the 7th edition of the Point of Convergence podcast.

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