Podcast 142: šŸŽ™ļø Extending the School Day in Wales

What if schools in Wales extended the teaching day for pupils? In our 142nd podcast, podcast host Libby Isaac discusses the Welsh timetable trial with Nathan Glynn. Listen to this podcast (20 minutes) https://www.teachertoolkit.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Podcast-142.-Nathan-Glynn.mp3 In this podcast, listen to Nathan and Teacher Toolkit podcaster, Libby discuss: * The extended school day pilot in Wales will see over 1,800 learners in 13 schools and one college * Students will benefit from five extra hours over a 10-week period. * What has been the reaction to this trial with teachers in Wales? * What are the positives and negatives of extending the school day? * How will it impact teacher wellbeing and students? The concept is to put more "lovely experiences" back into the lives of pupils, particularly a focus on the disadvantaged. Ā 

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