163 - Dial M For Murder (1954) & You're Next (2011)
Pod Sematary - A podcast by A Horror Movie Podcast by Chris & Kelsey

Get more at podsematary.com! Read our afterthoughts for this episode at https://twitter.com/PodSematary/status/1333181077683310593 It’s Murder Plots Gone Wrong Week on Pod Sematary! Chris & Kelsey lay the best schemes. What could possibly gang agley? The Classic Film: Dial M for Murder (1954) "A former tennis player tries to arrange his wife's murder after learning of her affair” (IMDb.com). Ok, we'll admit: this isn't really a horror movie. But it's so good! And the tension is palpable. The Modern Film: You’re Next (2011) "When a gang of masked, ax-wielding murderers descend upon the Davison family reunion, the hapless victims seem trapped... until an unlikely guest of the family proves to be the most talented killer of all” (Lionsgate). The movie that supposedly brought back the home invasion movie and strong horror heroines, You're Next is good, but is it as good as everyone says? Audio Sources: "Dial M for Murder (1954)" produced by Warner Bros. "Looking for Magic" written by Dwight A. Twilley and performed by Dwight Twilley Band "Pet Sematary" written by Dee Dee Ramone & Daniel Rey and performed by The Ramones "Split" produced by Universal Pictures, et al. "TCM Now Showing" hosted by Ben Mankiewicz "You’re Next (2011)" produced by Snoot Entertainment & HanWay Films