123 - My Boyfriend's Back (1993) & Pontypool (2008)
Pod Sematary - A podcast by A Horror Movie Podcast by Chris & Kelsey

You can send us stuff now! Pod Sematary 5753 E Santa Ana Cyn Rd Ste G #290 Anaheim Hills, CA 92807 Get more at podsematary.com! CW: Pedophilia It’s Valentine's Day on Pod Sematary! Chris & Kelsey talk about two "zombie" movies, one of which is about love but doesn't take place on Valentine's Day and the other of which takes place on Valentine's Day but isn't about love. The Classic Film: My Boyfriend's Back (1993) "A teenage boy comes back from the dead because he is determined to win the most beautiful girl in school” (IMDb.com). Even though everyone our age saw this 90s home video staple, it is often dismissed as forgettable tripe, but it's well-establish comedic tone and saccharine irony argue otherwise. Plus, zombie dick jokes! The Modern Film: Pontypool (2008) "A radio host interprets the possible outbreak of a deadly virus which infects the small Ontario town he is stationed in” (IMDb.com). This low-budget, indie darling has a lot of good ideas and taps into an existential terror unlike many others, but it fails to deliver on its clever premise due to inconsistent internal logic and an overwrought sense of its own grandiosity. Chris isn't mad; he's just disappointed. Audio Sources: "Magnolia" produced by New Line Cinema, et al. "My Boyfriend's Back” produced by Touchstone Pictures & Touchwood Pacific Partners 1 "Pet Sematary" written by Dee Dee Ramone & Daniel Rey and performed by The Ramones “Pontypool” produced by Ponty Up Pictures & Shadow Shows "Valley Girl" produced by Valley 9000 Productions