120 - The Exorcist (1973) & Ava's Possessions (2015)
Pod Sematary - A podcast by A Horror Movie Podcast by Chris & Kelsey

Get more at podsematary.com! Read our afterthoughts for this episode at https://twitter.com/PodSematary/status/1219011754568499200 CW: Child Molestation, Rape, Genital Mutilation It’s Demonic Possession Week on Pod Sematary! Chris & Kelsey feel compelled to discuss the supposed "Scariest movie of all time!" Thank you to @TheChickapedia for the recommendations! The Classic Film: The Exorcist (1973) "When a young girl is possessed by a mysterious entity, her desperate mother seeks the help of two priests to save her daughter” (IMDb.com). A creepy movie that managed somehow to actually frighten millions, The Exorcist may not be that terrifying but it's certainly an incredible film. The Modern Film: Ava's Possessions (2015) "Ava Dobkins is recovering from demonic possession. With no memory of the past month, she is forced to attend a Spirit Possession Anonymous support group. As Ava struggles to reconnect with her friends, get her job back, and figure out where the huge bloodstain in her apartment came from, she's plagued by nightmarish visions - the demon is trying to come back” (Momentum Pictures). A great premise and promising tone aren't enough to save this predictable surprise from its own plot. Audio Sources: "Ava's Possessions" produced by “BLAME BEELZABUB” written by Sean Lennon and Jordan Galland & performed by Foley Stewart "Episode #11.20" (You Bet Your Life, S11E20) produced by FilmCraft Productions "The Exorcist" produced by Warner Bros. & Hoya Productions "Max von Sydow" via Say It Like A Swede @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SG6TBfUD1_U "Pet Sematary" written by Dee Dee Ramone & Daniel Rey and performed by The Ramones "Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens" produced by Lucasfilm, et al. "Tubular Bells" composed by Mike Oldfield