119 - The Best Of 2019
Pod Sematary - A podcast by A Horror Movie Podcast by Chris & Kelsey

Get more at podsematary.com! Read our afterthoughts for this episode at https://twitter.com/PodSematary/status/1212539244993867776 While Kelsey and Chris are off on their honeymoon, start the new year off right with a look back at the best movies they covered on the podcast in 2019! Listen to Chris and Kelsey tell you that, yes, of course, you should watch these movies! Plus! --Personal best lists! --The biggest differences between our scores and the critics! --Several mentions of tension and patience! --Rationalization of 100-point scores! To listen to these episodes and check out their individual source credits, click the links below: 10: http://bit.ly/2MQ8J70 9: http://bit.ly/2QA6Dt2 8: http://bit.ly/37uH9UR 7: http://bit.ly/35nDE0V 6: http://bit.ly/2QLfvw2 5: http://bit.ly/2ufWZVd 3 (Tied): http://bit.ly/36n6G2m 3 (Tied): http://bit.ly/37vLvLp 1 (Tied): http://bit.ly/2ufWZVd 1 (Tied): http://bit.ly/37ArlQn Additional Audio Sources: "Disney's Halloween Treat" produced by Walt Disney Productions "Pet Sematary" written by Dee Dee Ramone & Daniel Rey and performed by The Ramones