118 - The Worst Of 2019
Pod Sematary - A podcast by A Horror Movie Podcast by Chris & Kelsey

Get more at podsematary.com! Read our afterthoughts for this episode at https://twitter.com/PodSematary/status/1212539244993867776 CW: Rape, Sexual Assault, Animal Cruelty While Kelsey and Chris are off on their honeymoon, start the new year off right with a look back at the worst movies they covered on the podcast in 2019! Plus, our personal worst lists and the 10 movies that divided us the most! To listen to these episodes and check out their individual source credits, click the links below: 10: http://bit.ly/35jvBT1 9: http://bit.ly/2SMYxjC 8: http://bit.ly/2sJYSZH 7: http://bit.ly/2QkJfB9 6: http://bit.ly/2rLSD7c 5: http://bit.ly/2SMZjgt 4: http://bit.ly/2QJZ43h 3: http://bit.ly/36wmxLK 1 (Tied): http://bit.ly/2rOSHmK 1 (Tied): http://bit.ly/2QLfvw2 Additional Audio Sources: "Pet Sematary" written by Dee Dee Ramone & Daniel Rey and performed by The Ramones