106 - The Ninth Gate (1999) & The Ascent (2017)
Pod Sematary - A podcast by A Horror Movie Podcast by Chris & Kelsey

Get more at podsematary.com! Read our afterthoughts for this episode at https://twitter.com/PodSematary/status/1181763562881994752 CW: Suicide, Rape It’s Satanic Thriller Week on Pod Sematary! Chris & Kelsey make a deal with the devil (Kelsey got a new puppy in exchange for Chris’ soul). Thanks for recommending The Ascent, Peter! The Classic Film: The Ninth Gate (1999) "A rare book dealer, while seeking out the last two copies of a demon text, gets drawn into a conspiracy with supernatural overtones” (IMDb.com). One of many satanic thrillers from the late 90s and early 00s, The Ninth Gate tries and mostly fails to pull off the tone of The Omen but with a modern edge, but is there something there to enjoy anyway? The Modern Film: The Ascent (2017) "Veteran LAPD detective Henry Cardenas faces off against his toughest murder suspect yet, Vince Marins, who claims to be something other than human. Over the course of 24 hours, truths, both new and long-buried, will be revealed” (IMDb.com). This amateur-feeling attempt at a cool concept feels like it would be better off as an intimate, one-act play instead of a micro-budget, feature-length movie that the filmmakers seem ill-equipped to pull off. Audio Sources: “The Ascent” produced by The Ascent Movie, LLC “The Ninth Gate” produced by Artisan Entertainment, et al. "Pet Sematary" written by Dee Dee Ramone & Daniel Rey and performed by The Ramones "Tom Segura: Completely Normal" produced by 3 Arts Entertainment & New Wave Entertainment Television