89. Plant-Based Health, Vibrancy, and Longevity with Jane and Ann Esselstyn

Plant-Powered People Podcast - A podcast by Toni Okamoto and Michelle Cehn


At 86 and 56, Ann and Jane Esselstyn are pictures of ageless health and vibrancy and spend their days hiking, doing yoga, gardening, cooking, and spreading the message that diet is the key to living a happy, strong, and disease-free life. They’re sharing their best tips for plant-based health in this episode!   Show Notes: Why and how the Esselstyns decided to make the shift toward plant-based eating What it was like to transition kids onto a plant-based diet How to make a plant-based diet appealing to kids that don’t want to make the switch Tips for when children refuse vegetables Jane and her family’s experience eating plants for fuel as competitive swimmers How the whole family eventually embraced the plant-based lifestyle that Dr. Esselstyn wanted the family to adopt About Jane and Ann’s book and why they wrote it Jane and Ann’s empowering message for women How a plant-based lifestyle can support women’s health How to make healthy, plant-based food choices feel automatic when you are short on time Go-to healthy & plant-based breakfast recipes for busy families The secret to making plant-based bowls delicious Thank you to our sponsors Paw Co (www.mypawco.com) and Caraway Home (www.carawayhome.com/plantpoweredkitchen or use code PLANTPOWEREDKITCHEN for 10% off) Resources: Book: Be A Plant-Based Woman Warrior: Live Fierce, Stay Bold, Eat Delicious Jane’s Instagram  Jane’s YouTube Related Episodes: Fire Station Goes Plant-Based with Rip Esselstyn How to Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease by Eating a Plant-Based Diet with Dr. Esselstyn

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