Ep: 197: Did Canon Jump the Shark With the 6D Mark II? - and more

Lens Shark Photography Podcast - A podcast by Sharky James


Episode 197 of the PetaPixel Photography Podcast.
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Featured: Photographer Nick Didlick

In This Episode

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Show Opener:
Photographer Nick Didlick opens the show. Thanks Nick!

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Tests indicate the Canon 6D Mark II's dynamic range isn't up to today's standards. (#)

Nikon celebrates 100 years and articulates its new focus. (#)

A scam uses Venmo to separate you from your gear. (#)

Nikon teases the upcoming D850, photos of it are leaked and where it seems to be positioned. (#)

Adobe accidentally (or was it?) makes Project Nimbus available to some Creative Cloud users. (#)

Microsoft kills, then resurrects, MS Paint. (#)

Stricter drone regulations are proposed in Canada, the UK. Is the US next? (#)


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