Ep. 103: How Does the Nikon D500 Really Perform? - and more

Lens Shark Photography Podcast - A podcast by Sharky James


Episode 103 of the PetaPixel Photography Podcast.
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Featured: Jeff Harmon, Photo Taco podcast

In This Episode

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Photo Taco podcast host Jeff Harmon opens the show. Thanks Jeff!

Me on the Photo Taco podcast August 30, 2016 episode "Sports Photography with Sharky James".

Our Think Tank Photo camera bag giveaway!

My assessment on how the Nikon D500 handles and performs as well as discussion about settings and my approach in low-light.

Sony drops a 50mm f/2.8 Macro lens. Do you shoot macro? (#)

A cool device for mounting your cameras to your wall and still being able to use them when you need to. (#)

A man in Kentucky sets bombs in trail cameras, but dies before telling authorities where they are and how many. (#)

New commercial drone regulations go into effect in the US. (#)


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