Paper Scraps Monthly II – Audience Questions and July TV News (PT97)

Paper Team - A podcast by Alex Freedman & Nick Watson


Alex and Nick answer more TV writing questions and react to recent TV business news, including WGAW's yearly earnings, CAA's Amplify database, Snowpiercer reshoots, and industry mergers.

Where should you get feedback on your TV scripts? Is it better to write single-cams over multi-cams? Should a one-hour drama writer switch to writing half-hour comedies? How much of an impact does Netflix have on TV viewing habits? What influence do the AT&T/Time Warner and Disney/Fox mergers have on content?

Plus, we reveal a major announcement for our 100th episode and crown the July Paper Tease winners.

The Paper Team buys in...


100th Episode Announcement (00:54)
Paper Tease Session (02:39)
1 - Audience Questions about TV writing (14:33)
2 - July TV news: Netflix, WGAW's earnings, CAA's database, Snowpiercer, industry mergers, showrunner panel, TV writing Twitter thread (37:00)

The 100th episode of Paper Team will be a live event on Saturday, August 4.
Find out more and get your free tickets now at

Paper Tease Entries
"Miracle Village" by Alan R. Baxter
"Unpresidented" by Matty Mendez

Rewriting Your TV Script (PT90)
Feedback and Notes: Building Your Reading Onion (PT08)
Comedy v. Drama: Declare Your TV Major (PT02)
TV Spec Script 101 (PT34)
TV Spec Script 201 (PT79)
"Netflix Is No. 1 Choice for TV Viewing, Beating Broadcast, Cable and YouTube" - Variety
"WGA West Earnings Hit Record $1.4 Billion In 2017" - Deadline
CAA's Amplify Database
Scott Derrickson tweets about Snowpiercer reshoots
Time Warner acquisition by AT&T
Acquisition of 21st Century Fox
Electronic Frontier Foundation
"An Evening with Female Showrunners - Panel 1" (Video)
"An Evening with Female Showrunners - Panel 2" (Video)
Jose Molina's Twitter thread on "things you wish you knew then"

This episode brought to you by Roadmap Writers' JumpStart Writing Competition

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