Recycling, Materials, and Sustainable Design Unboxd

Packaging Unboxd with Evelio Mattos - A podcast by The Packaging Design Podcast


Beau Peck Director of Marketing and Zero Waste at The Pro Recycling Group, breaks down why it's important for package designers to understand what happens to your packs once they're discarded.  He discusses the benefits of pre-sorted recycling and the downsides to closed lid systems. We also touch on the confusion caused by mixed materials, compostables, and film laminates.

The rising use of mono material packaging is a key finding, and something to consider for package designers looking to move into more sustainable packaging. 

Recycling isn't a single system operating under a single protocol, depending on where you live you will experience differences in collection. Beau explains source separation recycling popular in rural areas and small towns. Just because you have curbside closed lid recycling in your area, doesn't mean you design for these commingled systems. Designers need to consider the realities of a global recycling systems.

Learn more and contact Beau Peck here:

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