a love you DON'T correspond

when you are in a growth, evolution, healing  process persons can appear and end up attracted to you in a romantic way, and it might not be what you are looking for in the moment. this situations can happen to anyone, it's important not to be scared and learn how to manage it, speaking with empathy and honesty.we'll get inside the experience of having someone who loves you but you don't. and what to do in that circumstance.

Om Podcasten

Welcome to this new community! I’m so excited to share the project that I’ve been wanting with all my soul to start, for a big while. In the next amazing episodes we’ll dive into contents related to personal growth, love, daily experiences, personal shine and some interesting topics that come to mind so we’re able to evolve together in this healing and glowing era.Love you all >3You can find me in social media as @arianna.delfinnaRSSVERIFY