"A Flood is Here!"; Genesis 6:3

One Minute Scripture Study: A Come Follow Me Podcast - A podcast by Kristen Walker Smith and Cali Black

Have you ever felt sorry for the people who lived during Noah’s time?  Have you ever wondered if they might have repented if Noah had preached just one more time? I have! But Genesis 6:3 gives us a timeline of just how long Noah’s peers were given to repent before the flood came.  It says, “And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man. . . yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.” Did you catch that? Noah didn’t just preach for a couple of weeks or months.  No, he preached for years– decades– to people who simply would NOT listen.   Talk about a frustrating calling! Now it’s easy to look back and shake our heads at the people of Noah’s day.  How could they be so stubborn? But let’s consider this: how many times have our prophets warned us to study our scriptures, to learn to recognize the Spirit, to strengthen our homes, or to pray more?  And have we really listened and obeyed yet? The fact is, we are being warned just like the people of Noah’s day were! While there won’t be a physical flood we are definitely facing a deluge of sin and temptation unlike the world has ever known.  So it’s up to us to listen to the prophet so we can be ready for the downpours of temptation that surround us!   Music courtesy of bensound.com

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