One Heat Minute Productions - A podcast by Blake Howard
THE BAZURA PROJECT’S RADIO FREE CINEMA THE TV SHOW ABOUT MOVIES IS NOW A RADIO PROGRAM RELEASED AS A PODCAST On 29 September 2011, The Bazura Project’s Guide To Sinema, a comedy series devoted to exploring cinematic sins, began its extremely limited run on the ABC. Now, exactly ten years later, the creators are back with their most exciting project yet: a press release. But it’s a press release that’s promoting their next thing, The Bazura Project’s Radio Free Cinema. As many will doubtless recall, The Bazura Project’s Radio Free Cinema was a huge hit, broadcast on an unspecified radio station an indeterminate number of years ago. Now, the recordings that everyone had believed (and hoped) were lost forever have been uncovered, digitised, cleaned up, edited for slander, and are now ready to be released on a podcast platform where they can be heard again… for the first time. Support this podcast at — Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out: