Episode 7: Shyness isn't what you think it is...

What this Podcast Episode is about: - I share my personal shyness-story - And give you three of my favourite tips to get rid of shyness as an introverted biz wizard! Want more tips? Read my blog post: {7 Steps to Getting Rid of Shyness} .................... Feeling brave after this Podcast Episode? Want to practice more with getting out of that introverted comfort zone? Wanna grow, learn more about building an authentic biz and meet other introverts like you?? Come join us other introverted, geeky, magic-loving entrepreneurs at the Magical Introvert Online Retreat on December 17th! {Get YOUR ticket HERE - only 20 spots left!!!}

Om Podcasten

Are you ready to continue the Quiet Revolution and create some magic in your life and biz?! Make your business more FUN by adding a little bit of Pixie Dust ;-) Subscribe to the podcast today and never miss out on any tips and tons of inspiration!! Looking for more magic in your biz? Click here to join the Secret School of Success Alchemy and Biz Wizardry: https://www.facebook.com/groups/successandbizmagicforintroverts Or follow me in IG: https://www.instagram.com/bizwizardryforintroverts