Episode 4 - Start Believing Yourself! - with Rachel Chung, Confidence & High-Performance Coach

Rachel Chung is an amazing Confidence and High Performance Coach! In this episode of the Podcast, Rachel tells you all about her touching immigrant journey from South Korea to Australia. Because it wasn't always a pretty Tale... She couldn't find a job, felt very lonely and depressed at some point. In the end she worked her way out of this dark hole by utilising the powers of Perseverance, Resilience and Self Reflection. And today, she's sharing with you how she did that... Get ready for an inspiring story!! Wanna find out more about Rachel Chung? Visit: https://rachelchung.com.au Or join her free online community here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thehighachieversway/ Want more magical goodness in general? Visit: https://secretschool.yayforyou.nu

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