Tales from lockdown - TV, books, and apple crumble!

On The Outskirts - A podcast by Alice Catherine & Sophia Rosemary


Thanks so much for tuning into series two of On The Outskirts - we hope you're all doing okay out there & we hope this first episode acts as a little bit of comfort this week...

There’s no doubt that 2020 has felt particularly heavy. With this in mind, we have really been thinking about how we can utilise our platforms in a more balanced and resourceful way. Whilst our jobs are primarily about offering up content that provides escapism - we also feel a moral duty to speak up and use our privilege for the greater good. We know this is just a very small step in the right direction, but each episode of this season, we would like to dedicate the last ten minutes to a charity/cause that we feel passionately about. 

In light of the recent death of George Floyd and the subsequent protests across America and the rest of the world - we want to start the series off by paying respect to this and providing some useful resources in the show notes below. It’s not enough just to provide lighthearted escapism on social media at when there’s so much corruption and injustice in the world. We can’t look away or stay silent when it comes to racism - we must commit to the lifelong work that comes with being actively anti-racist. Black lives have always mattered and I think it’s important to note that anti racism is not some sort of checklist that we get to tick off. It’s a practice we have to enforce every single day so that it becomes second nature. It’s not just how we present ourselves online, it’s conversations in real life and with strangers. It’s the books on our shelves and speaking up even when it feels uncomfortable. Black lives matter way more than anxious thoughts and complacency.

Some charities to donate to (if you're financially able)

Black Lives Matter 

Black Visions Collective

George Floyd Memorial Fund 

Minnesota Freedom Fund

Run With Maud 

The Bail Project 

Reclaim The Block

Campaign Zero 

NAACP Legal Defence Fund

Women For Political Change

OR split a donation between 70+ community bail funds, mutual aid funds, and racial justice organizers here

Offer your support by signing the below petitions!

Sign the Justice for George Floyd petition here 

Sign the petition for Breonna Taylor here

Sign the petition to prosecute the Minneapolis Police Department's officers who killed George Floyd here.

Sign the petition to raise the degree for Derek Chauvin's murder charge here.

Sign the petition for the UK government to condemn President Trump's response to BLM protests here.

Sign the petition for British schools to implement teaching British children about black history here.


Anti-racism document put together by Sarah Sophie Flicker and Alyssa Klein - includes podcasts, books, articles & more!

We also both have new blog posts up this week with much more information than we could ever squeeze into here (linked below)

From Alice - Anti-racism and being a better ally: Black lives matter movement

From Sophia - Understanding how we are part of the problem

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