032 - Jenn Rogien - Costume Designer
Oh Boy by Man Repeller - A podcast by Oh Boy by Man Repeller

Jenn Rogien's a real jerk! The costumer designer of GIRLS and Orange is the New Black doesn't like sour pickles, brownies or apple pie. Other than that, though, she's perfectly delightful, which you'll come to find in this episode of Oh Boy that's all about her young life growing up in the Rockies (she still owns a canner -- as in, to can pickled things that aren't sour), her formative years in a liberal college town, how she found creative, crafty loopholes in any and every school project, and of course, how she came to be exactly who she is and how she got arguably one of the coolest jobs on the planet. I will tell you this: it didn't just happen by dumb luck. Girls! You know the drill. Headphones in, and enjoy. Want more Jenn? @ jennrogien Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett