8. Sony Pictures - Spiderman: Into the Spider-verse

"One thing I know for sure: don't do it like me. Do it like you." For those who cherish Disney, worship at the altar of Spielberg, love nothing more than immersing themselves into the world of Aardman, let us introduce you to Not Just For Kids. This is the podcast that revisits the films we cherished growing up, be they family films or something we maybe shouldn’t have been watching. Host Russell Bailey carries on our latest series, charting the last two decades of Western animation. Past guest James Rodrigues (https://twitter.com/roddersj04) returns to chat about the modern animated masterpiece, Spiderman: Into the Spider-verse. Email us: [email protected] Find us on Twitter, Instagram and Letterboxd: @adultstoopod Give the Not Just For Kids Movie Club a listen: https://anchor.fm/russell-bailey2

Om Podcasten

Welcome to Not Just For Kids. Once a week we will revisit the movies we loved as children, looking at their place in the history of family films, the themes they explore and if they’re any good. Each season we will focus on a different area: be it a particular film studio, director or time period. And each week we will invite a guest onto the podcast who will offer their own perspective on the films being covered that week.