On the move

Can the future of public transport be fully integrated and even autonomous? Pekka Niskanen from Finnish Maas company Kyyti Group and Hans Fridberg from Danish autonomous vehicle operatos Holo explains how smart mobility will change our daily routines – and minimize our carbon footprints. Hosted by Nils Johan Halvorsen. Visit www.nordicinnovation.org/mobility to learn more about how Nordic Innovation works with mobility.

Om Podcasten

A podcast dedicated to sustainable innovation and growth in the Nordic region. Together with some of the brightest minds in the North, Nordic Innovation will give you an update on where we stand, where we are headed, and why the Nordics should collaborate to become a pioneering region for sustainable growth. Hosted by Nils Johan Halvorsen. Visit www.nordicinnovation.org to learn more about what we do.